Our Services



At your initial consult we will discuss your health history and plan your treatment. If necessary, referrals to other healthcare professionals may be made to assist in your complete care. We will remove a few hairs in each intended treatment area to help determine sensitivity and response to electrolysis in order to make the most effective use of our time in future appointments.

Outpatient Electrolysis

$60 - 30 min, $120 - 60 min

At each appointment we will review your progress, update your care record, and remove your hair. The length of your appointment should be determined together with our office, so we can be sure to plan enough time to complete your target area. Lidocaine numbing is available if desired.

Inpatient Electrolysis

$500 day

Stay in our guest quarters and book multiple 5 hour days at a discounted rate to make the most of your treatment time when visiting from out of town.

Need Based Aid

Transsexual clients that need hair removal for surgery or to get over initial hurdles in their transition are eligible to receive assistance from our sponsorship fund. If you need hair removal but cannot currently afford it, please book now to secure a spot in the sponsorship queue.

Let us take care of you